About UsIntelligent Networked Systems Lab (INSLab) at Ewha Womans University, Korea conducts research in the area of AI-driven edge computing architecture and networked systems, and network theory & algorithm. We address various problems in both fundamental theory and practical system implementation by applying AI, machine learning, statistical techniques, and algorithmic techniques. Our research goal is to bridge the gap between theoretical/algorithmic techniques and their practicality in real-world networked systems. Our current research interests lie primarily in the following areas:
Latest NewsJuly 2024: Our paper entitled "Pick-a-back: Selective Device-to-Device Knowledge Transfer in Federated Continual Learning" has been accepted for publication in ECCV 2024.
Jan 2024: Our paper entitled "Breakwater: Securing Federated Learning from Malicious Model Poisoning via Self-Debiasing" has been accepted for publication in IEEE ICC 2024. Sep 2023: Our paper entitled "COOL: Conservation of Output Links for Pruning Algorithms in Network Intrusion Detection" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Jul 2023: Our paper entitled "Predictive Path Planning of Multiple UAVs for Effective Network Hotspot Coverage" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Jun 2023: Our paper entitled "VersatileFL: Volatility-Resilient Federated Learning in Wireless Edge Networks" has been accepted for publication in IEEE SECON 2023. (Acceptance Rate: 43/182=23.6%) Aug 2022: Our paper entitled "JointNIDS: Efficient Joint Traffic Management for On-Device Network Intrusion Detection" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Nov 2021: Our paper entitled "EdgePipe: Tailoring Pipeline Parallelism with Deep Neural Networks for Volatile Wireless Edge Devices" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Internet of Things Journal. May 2021: Our paper entitled "Stacked Autoencoder-based Probabilistic Feature Extraction for On-Device Network Intrusion Detection" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Aug 2020: Our paper entitled "Infrastructure-less Vehicle Traffic Density Estimation via Distributed Packet Probing in V2V Network" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Aug 2020: Our paper entitled "Towards Persistent Surveillance and Reconnaissance Using a Connected Swarm of Multiple UAVs" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. Feb 2020: Our paper entitled "Time-Dependent Ad-Hoc Routing Structure for Delivering Delay-Sensitive Data Using UAVs" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. Dec 2019: Our paper entitled "Rendezvous: Opportunistic Data Delivery to Mobile Users by UAVs through Target Trajectory Prediction" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Dec 2019: Our paper entitled "PUFGAN: Embracing a Self-Adversarial Agent for Building a Defensible IoT Security Architecture" has been accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2020. (Acceptance Rate: 268/1354=19.8%) Aug 2018: Our paper entitled "DroneNetX: Network Reconstruction through Connectivity Probing and Relay Deployment by Multiple UAVs in Ad-Hoc Networks" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Jul 2018: Our paper entitled "Towards Self-Organizing UAV Ad-Hoc Networks Through Collaborative Sensing and Deployment" has been accepted to IEEE GLOBECOM 2018. Jan 2018: Our paper entitled "Constructing Full-Coverage 3D UAV Ad-Hoc Networks Through Collaborative Exploration in Unknown Urban Environments" has been accepted to IEEE ICC 2018. (Acceptance Rate: 39.99%) Dec 2017: Our paper entitled "Progressive Ad-Hoc Route Reconstruction Using Distributed UAV Relays after a Large-Scale Failure" has been accepted to IEEE WCNC 2018. July 2017: Our paper entitled "DroneNet+: Adaptive Route Recovery Using Path Stitching of UAVs in Ad-Hoc Networks" has been accepted to IEEE GLOBECOM 2017. Dec 2016: Our paper entitled "Adaptive Path Planning of UAVs for Delivering Delay-Sensitive Information to Ad-hoc Nodes" has been accepted to IEEE WCNC 2017. Nov 2016: Our paper entitled "PUFSec: Device Fingerprint-based Security Architecture for Internet of Things" has been accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2017. (Acceptance Rate: 292/1395=20.93%) Sep 2016: Our paper entitled "DMirNet: Inferring Direct microRNA-mRNA Association Networks" has received the Best Paper Award at International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB) 2016. It will be published in BMC Systems Biology Journal. Nov 2015: Our paper entitled "Proactive Patrol Dispatch Surveillance System by Inferring Mobile Trajectories of Multiple Intruders Using Binary Proximity Sensors" has been accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2016. (Acceptance Rate: 300/1644=18.25%) |
Group PicturesLocationOur lab is located at the Asan Engineering Building #329
in Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea Google Map Link |